S1. Sistemas Luminiscentes: Caracterización y Aplicaciones
Luminescent Systems: Characterization and Applications
Antonio Laguna, Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain): "Synthesis of Luminescent Gold Compounds"
João Carlos Lima, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (Portugal): "Aurophilic Gels"
Werner Nau, Jacobs Universität, Bremen (Germany): "Spatiotemporally Resolved Fluorescent Chemosensing
Ezequiel Pérez Inestrosa, Universidad de Málaga (Spain): "Assembling Dendrimers and One/Two-Photon
Excitation Fluorofores. Biomedical Applications"
Prasanna da Silva, Queen’s University of Belfast (UK): "Fluorescent Sensing and Logic Systems"
S2. Nanociencia y Materiales Moleculares
Nanoscience and Molecular Materials
Shunichi Fukuzumi, Osaka University (Japan) "New Strategies for Artificial Photosynthesis"
Jean Francois Nierengarten, Université de Strasbourg & CNRS (France): "Clickable Scaffolds for the
Preparation of Nano-Materials"
Francesco Stellacci, Ecole Politecnique Lausanne (Switzerland): "Nanomaterials and Transmissible
Jaume Veciana, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona (Spain): "Intremolecular Charge Transport
thorugh Organic Radicals"
S3. Catálisis Organometálica como Solución a Retos Sintéticos
Organometallic Catalysis as a Solution for Synthetic Challenges
Lutz Ackermann, Universität Gottingen (Germany): "Selectivity in Metal-Catalyzed C-H Activation"
John Bower, University of Bristol (UK): "Directed Cycloadditions of Amino‑Substituted Cyclopropanes:
Scope and Mechanism"
Nuno Maulide, Universität Wien (Austria): "Catalytic Asymmetric Transformations of High-Energy Intermediates:
from Palladium to Gold"
Carlos Valdes, Universidad de Oviedo (Spain): "Sulfonylhydrazones: Versatile Reagents for Cross-Coupling
Reactions and Cascade Processes"
S4. Enseñanza, Historia y Divulgación de la Química
Teaching, History and Popularization of Chemistry
Manuel Bermejo Patiño, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain): "Marie Anne Paulze:
Una Científica Moderna"
Fina Guitart, Universidad de Barcelona (Spain): "Una Visión General de Proyectos Europeos para Enseñanza
de las Ciencias Basada en la Indagación (IBSE), o en la Visión Interdisciplinar STEM y las Aportaciones de la Química
en Concreto"
Marcos Martinón-Torres, University College London (UK): "La Ciencia del Arte: Una Aproximación Química y
Microscópica a la Orfebrería Prehispánica de Colombia"
Mario Redondo Ciércoles, IES Arquitecto Peridis, Legés - Madrid (Spain): "La Química en la Nueva Ley de
S5. Derivados de Metales Representativos: Estructura, Reactividad y Propiedades Únicas
Derivatives of Representative Metals: Structure, Reactivity and Singular Properties
Jean François Carpentier, Université Rennes (France): "Organometallic Chemistry and Hydroelementation
Catalysis of Heavy Alkaline- and Divalent Rare-Earth Elements"
Elena Fernández, Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain): "Versatile Boranes for Synthetic Board Games"
Eva Hevia, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (UK): "Main Group Mixed-Metal Chemistry: New Perceptions and
Angeles Monge, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid - ICMM (Spain): "Preparation
and Properties of New Group 13 Based Metal-Organic Frameworks"
S6. Avances en Organocatálisis Asimétrica
Advances in Asymmetric Organocatalysis
Darren Dixon, University of Oxford (UK): "Catalytic Approaches to Simplifying Synthesis"
Alessandra Lattanzi, Università degli Studi di Salerno (Italy): "Bifunctional Non-Covalent Organocatalysis:
From Small to Medium-Ring Heterocycles Synthesis"
Miquel A. Pericàs, Instituto de Investigación Química de Cataluña - ICIQ (Spain): "Organocatalytic
Asymmetric Flow Processes with Supported Systems"
Helma Wennemers, ETH Zürich (Switzerland): "Bioinspired Catalysts with Peptides and Other Small Molecules"
S7. Metodología Sintética y Síntesis Total
Synthetic Methodology and Total Synthesis
Fernando Albericio, Institute for Research in Biomedicine – IRB (Spain): "Peptides, From the Marine
Nature to the Laboratory. A Synthetic Challenge"
Mercedes Amat, Universitat de Barcelona (Spain): "Chiral Lactams as Multipurpose Scaffolds for the Synthesis
of Complex Natural Products"
Juan Manuel Cuerva, Universidad de Granada (Spain): "Bioinspired Terpene Synthesis: a Radical Aproach"
Juan Granja, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain): "Taxane Synthesis by Sequential
Metathesis Reactions"
Markus Kalesse, Leibniz Universität Hannover (Germany): "Natural Products - From Evolutionary Analysis to
Stereoselective Synthesis"
David Procter, University of Manchester (UK): "Designing Radical Cyclization Cascades: New Methods for Total
Dirk Trauner, Universität Munich (Germany): "Natural Biomimetic Synthesis of Heterocyclic Products"
S8. Química Sostenible
Green Chemistry
Miquel Costas, Universitat de Girona (Spain): "Selective Oxidation Reactions with Bioinspired Catalysts"
Sixto Malato, Plataforma Solar de Almería-CSIC (Spain): "Descontaminación de Aguas Utilizando Radiación
Solar: Un Proceso Doblemente Sostenible"
Robert E. Maleczka, Jr., Michigan State University (USA): "Advancing C-H Borylations and Green Chemistry
through Academic-Industrial Collaborations"
Rubén Martín, Instituto de Investigación Química de Cataluña - ICIQ (Spain): "Metal-Catalyzed
Functionalization of C-O Bonds and CO2"
Marc Taillefer, Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier (Spain): "Metal Catalyzed Arylation
of Nucleophiles: Recent Progress and Mechanistic Insight"
S9. Síntesis, Caracterización y Propiedades de Materiales Emergentes
Synthesis, Chracterization and Properties of Emergent Materials
Ulises Amador Elizondo, Universidad San Pablo-CEU (Spain): "Understanding the Properties of
SOFCs Materials through their Composition, Strucutre and Microstructure"
Florent Boucher, Institut des Matériaux Jean Rouxel, Nantes (France): "Ab initio Calculation for
Characterizing Energy Storage Materials: Study of the FePOA Family (A=Li, Na)"
Montserrat Casas Cabanas, CIC Energigune (Spain): "Crystal Chemistry of Battery Materials"
Jorge Gascón, Technical University Delft (The Netherlands): "Rational Design of Structured Catalyst and
Amir Abbas Haghighirad,University of Oxford (UK): "Perovskite Material as Light Harvester: Materials Design
and Structure"
Elías Palacios, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón - ICMA (Spain): "New Materials for Magnetic
Refrigeration at Low Temperatures"
S10. Química en la Frontera con la Biología
Chemistry Bordering Biology
José Manuel Andreu, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas de Madrid CIB-CSIC (Spain): "Targeting Cell
Division of Bacterial Pathogens with Small Molecule Inhibitors of FtsZ Assembly"
Karl-Heinz Altmann, ETH Zürich (Switzerland): "Synthesis of Macrocyclic Natural Products and their
Functional Exploration"
Gonçalo Bernardes, University of Cambridge (UK): "Site-selective Protein Modification Chemistry for
Basic Biology and Drug Development"
Mª Jesús Blanco, Eli Lilly (USA): "Discovery, Synthesis and Characterization of a Potent and Selective
Antagonist of Metabotropic Glutamate 2/3 Receptors"
Fernando Cossío, Universidad del País Vasco (Spain): "Frustrated and Completed (3+2) Cycloadditions:
From Offspring Catalysis to Covalently Modified Biocatalysis"
Neal Devaraj, University of California San Diego (USA): "Developing Chemoselective Reactions for
Applications in Cellular Imaging"
Ramón Hurtado Guerrero, BIFI-UNIZAR (Spain): "Uncovering the Mechanisms of Protein O-Glycosylation"
Michal Hocek, Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic): "Enzymatic Synthesis of Base-modified
DNA for Applications in Bioanalysis and Chemical Biology"
Virginie Lhiaubet-Vallet, Instituto de Tecnología Química de Valencia (Spain): "Photosensitized
Pyrimidine Dimerization in DNA"
Laura Masgrau, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain): "Glycosidic-Bond Biosyntheis by Front-Side
Nucleophilic Attack. A Shortcut for Effective Sugar Transfer Analyzed by QM/MM Calculations"
Óscar Millet, CIC BioGUNE (Spain): "Protein Folding and Design with 'a Grain of Salt' "
Andrés Trabanco, Janssen-Cilag (Spain): "Challenges in the Discovery of γ-Secretase Modulators for the
Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease"
Marcey Waters, University North Carolina (USA): "From Host-Guest Chemistry to the Nucleosome: Studies
in Biomolecular Recognition"
S11. Polímeros para Aplicaciones Avanzadas
Polymers for Advanced Applications
Toribio Fernández Otero, Technical University of Cartagena (Spain): "Propiocepción Artificial de Músculos
Poliméricos: Experimentos y Modelo (¿Pueden las Funciones Cerebrales ser Descritas por Ecuaciones Físico-Químicas?)"
Francisco M. Goycoolea, Wilhelms-Universtät Münster (Germany): "Biopolymer-Based Self-Assembled
Nanocomplexes for Innovative Therapeutic Applications"
Ricardo Riguera, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain): "Helical Polymers: Sensor and
Aggregation Properties of Polyphenylacetylenes"
Julio San Román, Instituto de Polímeros-CSIC Madrid (Spain): "Aprendiendo de la Naturaleza la Formación
de Estructuras Poliméricas Autoensambladas y sus Aplicaciones en Nanomedicina"
S12. Más Allá de la Química del Grafeno y sus Aplicaciones
Beyond Graphene Chemistry and Applications
Nazario Martín, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain): "Modifying Graphene with Electroactive
Systems: Towards New Properties?"
Hermenegildo García, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (Spain): "Metal-Free Catalysts: Graphenes as
Sunstainable Catalysts"
Paolo Samori, Université de Strasbourg & CNRS (France): "Taming Functional Complexity in 2D
Materials Mastering the Supramolecular Approach"
Amaia Zurutuza, Graphenea, San Sebastián (Spain): "Impact of Graphene's Properties in Applications"
S13. Productos Naturales en la Señalización Química en Sistemas Biológicos
Chemical Signaling Mediated by Natural Products in Biological Systems
Greg Challis, University of Warwick (UK): "Exploiting Microbial Genomics for Discovery of New Natural
Products and Biosynthetic Pathways"
Isidro González Collado, Universidad de Cádiz (Spain): "Genomic Inspired Synthesis of Hybrid Molecules
as Antifungal Agents against the Phytopathogens Fungus Botrytis cinera"
Martin E. Maier, University of Tübingen (Germany): "Natural Product Analogs:
Other than Trial and Error?"
Ángel Rodríguez de Lera, Universidad de Vigo (Spain): " Synthesis of Natural Epigenetic Modulators"
S14. Aplicaciones Científico-Tecnológicas del Análisis Térmico
Scientific and Technological Applications of Thermal Analysis
Marta Fernández-García, Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología de Polímeros ICTP-CSIC, Madrid (Spain):
"El Análisis Térmico y la Química en la Ciencia de los Polímeros"
S15. Ingeniería Química y Medioambiente
Chemical Engineering and Environment
Damiá Barceló, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Studies IDAEA-CSIC,
Barcelona (Spain): "Fate and Risk of Pesticides, Pharmaceuticals, Illicit Drugs and Personal Care Products
in the Iberian River Basins of Ebro and Llobregat: Challenges and Solutions using Advanced Treatment
Technologies in a European Context"
Eva Martín del Valle, Universidad de Salamanca (Spain): "Chemical Engineering Aproach for Cancer
Treatment and diagnosis"
Martine Poux, Laboratoire de Génie Chimique, Toulouse (France): "Intensified Technologies for the
Development of the Green Process Engineering"
Giulio C. Sarti, DICAM-Università di Bologna (Italy): "Solubility and Permeability of Pure and Mixed
Gases in Glassy Membranes"
S16. Química y Cristalografía: Materia y Vida con Precisión Atómica
Chemistry and Crystallography: Matter and Life with Atomic Precision
Ignacio Fita Rodríguez, Institut de Biología Molecular de Barcelona (Spain): "Chemistry and
Macromolecular Crystallography: A Most Fruitful Partnership"
Colin Groom, Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (UK): "Drug Discovery by Design: Using Every Small
Molecule Crystal Structure ever Published"
Kenneth Harris, Cardiff University (UK): "Structure Determination of Organic Materials form Powder
X-Ray Diffraction Data: Current Opportunities and State-of-the-Art"
Wolfgang Scherer, University of Augsburg (Germany): "Charge Density and Bonding in Inorganic
Molecules & Materials"